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Nursing Home Abuse & neglect
Get help from experienced attorneys for loved ones experiencing nursing home misconduct, neglect or abuse in Florida
Types of Nursing Home Neglect Cases
basic needs neglect
When a nursing homes fails to provide basic necessities like food and water for prolonged periods or fails to address hazardous conditions within their facilities. May lead to cases of dehydration, malnutrition, organ failure, severe injury, or death.
social & emotional neglect
Instances of isolation, verbal or emotional abuse, and ignoring the social or emotional well-being of a resident. These cases may result in depression, anxiety, wandering-off, self harm, or severe emotional distress.
medical neglect
Failing to address medical concerns, and administer proper medical care, or medication to residents experiencing health issues. Medical neglect can manifest itself as infection, sepsis, overdose, allergic reactions, or death.
How to get help
Having loved ones in a nursing home is supposed to bring reassurance and peace of mind for their well-being and safety. Unfortunately, there are many instances of residents in these facilities experiencing abuse or neglect at the hands of their caregivers. In Florida specifically, serious violations in nursing homes have doubled since 2019 in comparison to the previous six years.
Under Florida law, you are required to report any occurrences of known or suspected abuse, neglect, abandonment, exploitation, or self-neglect of vulnerable adults (elderly or disabled). You can click here for more resources from Adult Protective Services through the Department of Children and Families.
If you believe that you have a case for nursing home abuse and neglect, please give our office a call at (352) 204-2224 for a free consultation. We can explore your options and help you put together a legal team of proven litigators to review your case and offer you their opinion.